Used Aluminum Furnaces
Aluminum is primarily used to produce pistons, engine and body parts for cars, beverage cans, doors, siding and aluminum foil. It may also be used as sheet metal, aluminum plate and foil, rods, bars and wire, aircraft components, windows and door frames. The leading users of aluminum include the container and packaging industry, the transportation industry, and the building and construction industry. Aluminum products can be found nearly everywhere in our global culture, touching all lives.
Due to high energy requirements, the major primary aluminum producers tend to locate in areas with low energy costs, including the Northwest and Ohio River Valley, here in the U.S. Secondary producers tend to locate near industrial centers, including southern California and the Great Lakes.
Reverberatory, electric arc, induction, crucible and cupolas furnaces are available on the used or pre-owned market. They are available as gas fired, oil, light diesel oil and LPG. Die cast machinery is a huge investment. Purchasing a used furnace can reduce your initial start-up cost and reduce delivery and installation time. Allowing you to ramp up production sooner.
Current inventory is listed below. If you don't see a particular furnace you are searching for, or if you have questions about expanding your current production, feel free to contact Die Cast Machinery LLC.